Partnerships by shareholders
Aménagement forestier Portneuf: This company owns over 90,000 acres of forest land in the province of Quebec where we cut down both softwood and hardwood. Soon, we will open, in partnerships, an aspen and hardwood mill. Our activities are divided among three administrative regions: North Shore, Lac-St-Jean and Mauricie. In our forest, logging and road excavation companies work to use these resources intelligently, in harmony with nature. In fact, we respect sylviculture principles in all of our forests.

Innergex: This company, which holds an emphyteutic lease, is responsible for the management of three hydroelectric dams owned by two Groupe Westco shareholders. The dams are located on forest land of Quebec’s North Shore. The energy produced is sold in its entirety to Hydro-Québec.

SkyPower : SkyPower : In 2006, we joined, through two shareholders, the green energy movement in New Brunswick. The company is currently studying a project totalling 300 mW of wind power in four communities in New Brunswick: Grand Bay, Salisbury, Miramichi and Cap Pele. These four locations are an excellent source of constant wind. Non polluting, this energy is renewable. We are proud to play a part in this rapidly growing area.